
Monday, October 18, 2010

Bonsay Generation

Every new generation has something to offer to the world. Except for Cuban generations*. Cuban generations has been burned down to ashes since the arrival of a grass that has become so old that resembles a living fossil from the Jurassic period.
Every youth is rebellious. Youth is idealistic and wants to change the world for the better. We wanted to do so too. But our prosthetic parents impeded us. They stagnated in the first half of the 20th C. ideology of Stalinism and Cold War and didn’t want to recognize that new winds were blowing after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. They just wanted to keep rolling the old game. Every new generation starts a revolution. These revolutions cause a change in the relations of production and social relations. But in Cuba they stayed the same. The whole movement of society suffers from a decades old paralysis and we all know the results.
I have known brilliant minds and personalities during years of living in the U.S. I know that the best minds and characters of my generation are scattered around the world. The Castros are addicted to using one of the favorite weapons of the Spanish colonial period: exile. Exile is practiced not only by physical absence but also by ridiculous high rates of phone service and impossibility of Internet connection. In a world of Skype free communications Cuba is an island of deafness. Exile has postponed Cuban independence for decades by forcing in-communication. It did it during the Spanish colonial period and it does it from the first wave of Cuban exiles after 1959 until today. Exile is colonialism in the 21st C.
The great majority of us has been pushed to exile by tricks of invitation letters and travels abroad. While the majority of artists and thinkers were given ways to leave the island, the working class intelligentsia, doctors and other technology-science proletarians has been forced to remain at the service of the government. If some doctors and military personnel go abroad is because the government needs them to work for oil in Venezuela or send them to get paid miserable salaries in Ecuador or Bolivia while the Cuban government takes a huge cut.
Those who can influence public opinion and counteract the labor of governmental propaganda have to leave. In order to work propaganda has to be total propaganda. Artists and intellectuals and their works of images and words block effectiveness and weaken propaganda efforts. They need to go to exile. A Diaspora is the best answer to keep the old generation of Jurassic fossils in power. That way nothing change.
The whole country and society corrupts in putrefaction while the youth forced to exile lives in remembrance of all the good things that we could have done for our country.
In the mind of Leader Maximus ideology is more important than country. Holding power is more relevant than social advancement. The tongue of state deceives neighbors and allies, whether Soviets or Venezuelans, with bed time stories of old heroics by the fire. Old parasites stay fed by those who believe in their tales of redemption and in turn feed new generations of parasites that lose the will to change while getting apathetic and lazy. The best of society are forced to leave. The enterprising spirits, the creative geniuses, the revolutionaries that try to alter the swamp of stagnation and that are forced to paralysis instead. You see it more clearly today after political prisoners are sent to exile, going from prison to another country.
My generation has been trimmed. Her limbs cut to fit the size of a Bonsay generation. Their arms and fingers so short they cannot create anything but only play with toys of nostalgia, suspecting their dreams will never be realized. The mind of my generation and of all the generations born in Cuba after 1959, have the size of a child’s mind. Their brain has been reduced to a toy brain the same way tribes from the Amazon beheaded their prisoners and shortened the size of their skulls with sand and fire. We have been put in a prevention growth artifacts that precludes us from growing up and becoming adults. That is what our parents wanted from us, a population of children, so that they could play with us until the day they die. One day they will certainly die and that day we will not know what to do, and we will be foraging the earth for another father, and that father will come, and we will be their slave children too. Unless we rebel now from any dependence on our parents.

*I'm applying a reductive generalization for the sake of highlighting a problem that young Cubans suffer. While many of us have problems starting a new life in another country, many others have become very successful and have adapted with dexterity, showing enormous quantities of psychological, mental and physical resources and skills. Those are the ones who work hard, the ones that have obtained Bachelor, Master and PH.D. degrees, the one who have become successful entrepreneurs and workers. They are also the ones who have raised their families and sent their children to colleges and universities around the country. I have deliberately chosen to leave them out of this article.


  1. YA hace dias que no leia el twit, se estaba tornando aburrido , pero este articulo esta bueno.Claro desde el punto de vista de la gusanera ,anti-castrista que vive en USA. Algunas cosas son reales , otras salen producto de las frustraciones personales , pero eso no importa, son opiniones. yo me tome la atribucion de enviarle este articulo a profesionales que viven en cuba , para ver que ellos piensan , pues en cuba la gente, aunque viven bajo un jugo opressorque ellos no tienen la culpa , aun piensan , y le he mandado a otros que viven en Europa , voy a tratar de que ellos escriban sus comentarios y asi nos enteramos que piensan otros cubanos , pues no todo somos victimas de las circumstances , ni nos alimentamos con la desgracia de los que sufren en cuba, para escribir articulos como este .

  2. First of all . The Cuban generation has a lot to offer to the world , but who cares ,since Cuba is a small poor island in the middle of nowhere. Education , health, arts , music. sports , they are very integratedand full of energies, tipical from people ,who live in islands and in this particular regions, in fact the geographical situation matters.
    The Cuban generation hasnt been trimmed at all , mind you, the Annibals have tried but no success ,Cuban people feel the neccesity like other people to be listen , seen and the same desire to be successful .
    Second, our parents love us ,they only have tried hard through the years ,to give us the best education, against the odds, according to their possibilities ,but deeply inside they want us to be free and happy , they also prayed for us ,not to be stuck in that wooden box of island , since they didnt have the courage to do so, our parents are fighters , poor and still keep their heads up .
    Finally. All immigrants are the same ,homesick , some make money , and return to their native countries , Cubans are the only immigrants who remain, waiting for change, we dont have other choice, the process of getting used is very easy or difficult according to the country they managed to escape and personal individualities .
    The generation borned after 1959 is not the only generation of emotional cripples, human beings for one or ather reason are emotional cripples.
    Celia Cruz , Gloria Stefan who is not even Cuban , Willy Chirino , they all crave Cuba , Celia was her entire life moaring for her country ,singing to her country , and devastated cause , was force to leave .
    The generation borned after 1959 is the generation of Rubalcaba, Chucho Valdez sons , some in Cuba , others in New York, Spain , no have space here to mention people from this generation , which are not emotional cripple, we are not ,we areclever people ,who crave change, who considered that the grass is greener in the other side .
    Cuban generations for years have been in demand for different reasons , we have taken a lot .We always remain,we cry , we moan like any other human , from any other race . but we remain .
    Some people dont deserve to be cuban , some people dont have nation, is very sad , IM A CUBAN BLACK WOMAN , i point out black because is different black , white, Comunist, Budist, cuban , French or English .
